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WE WANT TO HEAR FROM OUR PARISHIONERS! Complete the Survey Today Click Parish News
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Adds a Dimension of Meaning to our Services
A group of caring women joining together for the needs our parish. All women of the parish are invited to join.
One of the great expressions of the Love which Our Lord calls us to live is in the form of Hospitality!
Previously the "Men's Club", this ministry supports our churches infrastructure.
Holy Name Ministry Information
Needed, individuals who would assist the celebrant & community with their celebration of the Eucharist, as well as other Liturgies.
Since the Second Vatican Council, the Bishops have recognized the important place that the laity must assume in proclaiming God’s Word. This responsibility is referred to As the Ministry of Lector!
Parishioners who visit the home-bound and hospitalized members of our Parish and deliver the Eucharist .
Parishioners interested in the Right to Life movement and wish to help the cause are invited to join.
Father Michael J. McGivney, founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882 with Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism as the guiding principles.
The Lay Carmelites are laity who share in the life of the Carmelite Order
A group of women from St. Lawrence Church who share a desire to serve the church through monthly dinners, to serve the community through fundraising and events, and to show support for each other.
A group established by St Lawrence parishioner, Tracy Meadows, to offer support to young mothers of our parish. the group gathers to study the bible and gather in prayer. Information will be available at his site soon.
Ministry Purpose:
Music adds a dimension of meaning and feeling to our worship that words alone cannot sustain. St. Lawrence places a high value on liturgical music. The main purpose of the Music Ministry is to lead the Assembly in sacred song and sung prayer with the intent to further faith and promote the singing of the congregation. This is done through a variety of musical styles, including traditional hymns, contemporary songs and Gospel-style. Recognizing the human voice as the primary musical instrument, our efforts are geared toward motivating and supporting the voice of the assembly.
“Obedient to Christ and to the Church, we gather in liturgical assembly, week after week. As our predecessors did, we find ourselves singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in our hearts to God. This common, sung expression of faith within liturgical celebrations strengthens our faith when it grows weak and draws us into the divinely inspired voice of the Church at prayer. Faith grows when it is well expressed in celebration. Good celebrations can foster and nourish faith. Poor celebrations may weaken it. Good music makes the liturgical prayers of the Christian community more alive and fervent so that everyone can praise and beseech the Triune God more powerfully, more intently and more effectively.” (Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 5)
Dedicated musicians, choir members and cantors aim to give God the glory He deserves with the most beautiful and reverent sacred music we can deliver. Let’s share our gifts and talents to support our parish’s music program.
The Director of Music plays the organ at each weekend Mass. Cantors assist the congregation’s singing at weekend Masses. Our Adult Choir (ages 18 and older) complements the congregational singing at the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass, and various liturgies throughout the year.
Check out this great video
T H E MARTHAS &MARYS - T H E M&Ms About Us • We are a group of women from St. Lawrence Church who share a desire to serve the church through monthly dinners, to serve the community through fundraising and events, and to show support for each other.
• We meet 11:30AM in the St. Lawrence Church parking lot on the first Thursday and decide where we would like to have lunch that week. Over lunch we discuss ways in which we can serve church & community.
• Come join us to participate in church and outreach activities and share your ideas with us! Ask, and we will be pleased to tell you all about the M&Ms and what we do! Sharon Affuso: 610-258-1621 Ann Funkhouser: 610-346-8353 Mary Capabianco: 610-252-7075
The call to Carmel is a call to seek God’s will in the ordinary circumstances
of everyday life. This roots a Lay Carmelite in a love of those with whom they live
and work, in the search for God’s presence in all circumstances and in solidarity
with God’s people everywhere. The charisma of the Lay Carmelites is prayer,
community and service. In the tradition of St. Theresa of Avila and St. John of the
Cross, the Lay Carmelites seek a mystical relationship with GOD and they also have
the unique privilege of obtaining Plenary Indulgences that are not available to the
Universal Church. If you want to strengthen your prayer life and become part of a caring Christian community, consider the Lay Carmelite community.
The Lay Carmelites meet the first Saturday of each month in St. Lawrence church's Ceader Hall. All are welcome to attend our meeting. Come and learn about the Carmelite way of life. For more information, contact Donna Schulz at 267-424-0521.
The celebration of the Eucharist can be broken down into two parts: The Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. What is proclaimed from the Ambo; namely God’s Word to us, should complement what takes place on the altar. Both are essential; both compliment the other. Since the Second Vatican Council, the Bishops have recognized the important place that the laity must assume in proclaiming God’s Word. This responsibility is referred to As the Ministry of Lector! In St. Lawrence Parish, we are blessed with a number of wonderful men & women who have step forward for this ministry. However, at the risk of sounding greedy, we need more. We are convinced that others among you have the God-given gift to be a Lector. There is no age limit to being a Lector. Our people need to hear God’s Word proclaimed by women & men, adults, young adults or teenagers. Like all ministers, candidates must be persons whose weekly lives is centered in the Eucharist. All candidates would be given instruction/preparation for this ministry before being scheduled. Generally, each Lector is assigned to 2-3 Masses each month; we would do our best to accommodate your schedule. If you are a person who feels Our Lord is calling you to this ministry, don’t be shy; share your gift! Contact Fr. Benn through the Parish Office [61-]749- 2684 or on line at saintlawrence@Verizon.net. As with every Ministry, you will find that you get as much from it as you invest in it.
From the time of the Apostles, every Christian community was in need of individuals who would assist the celebrant & community with their celebration of the Eucharist, as well as other Liturgies. Through the centuries the responsibilities of the “Acolyte” or Altar Server has expanded [e.g. adults in addition to young people, women in addition to men; responding in English as opposed to Latin,] the need remains the same. St. Lawrence Parish is looking for candidates for the Ministry of Acolyte and would be grateful to anyone who is willing to commit to this responsibility. Basic Requirements are the following:
· Candidates can join at any age /grade level; starting at 4th Grade.
· All young people are asked to discuss this with their parent or guardian. That parent or guardian will need to bring the same level of commitment to their child’s ministry as we look for from their child. For example, their child will need transportation to/from these celebrations; in addition to/from the rare practices that special liturgies require.
· We realize that the lives of each candidate is filed with numerous responsibilities; however, those interested in this ministry who would be unavailable throughout the summer, or during Christmas, Confirmation, Holy Week, Easter or Confirmation should reconsider their desire to be an Acolyte. Celebrations such as Holy Week would also involve practices. These are occasions when the Parish particularly needs your help. If you have any concerns about potential conflicts, please contact Fr. Benn. There are times when schedule conflicts can be resolved.
· Because, we want you have a positive experience, all new servers would be asked to participate in 2-3 practices before being placed on the Mass Schedule. Practices would last 60 minutes.
· Because of the Archdiocesan Child Protection Protocols, one adult among the parents would be asked to be present during any practices.
· The Ministry of Acolyte is an honorable & gratifying ministry. It is our hope that students of our parish will recognize that Our Lord might be calling them to contribute to the spiritual life of their parish by making themselves available through the Ministry of Acolyte.
The Ministry of Acolyte is an honorable & gratifying ministry. It is our hope that students of our parish will recognize that Our Lord might be calling them to contribute to the spiritual life of their parish by making themselves available through the Ministry of Acolyte.
Like all Altar & Rosary Societies, St. Lawrence Altar & Rosary Society began as a small group of women in the parish who cared for everything that contributed to creating and maintaining a beautiful environment within which parishioners could celebrate all of their liturgies. They cleaned the church; they washed and ironed the many altar linens involved with Mass; they looked after the care of the vestments. Not surprisingly, these women were also grounded in personal prayer and a great devotion to the Blessed Mother, thus their tradition of praying the Rosary. Today the women of St. Lawrence Altar & Rosary Society keep to this tradition, but are even more active in the life of the Parish then ever. They are mothers, grandmothers and single. They are stay at home Moms and work in the professional world. Whenever and however there is a need for help in the parish with regards to its life, you will find them working behind the scenes. They are Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. They participate in the Parish Scripture Studies. They are members of the Parish Pastoral Council. One is on the Board of the Ceader Trust. Our growing number of Socials: monthly Coffee & Donuts following the 9:30 AM Mass o the 2nd Sunday of each month, the Saturday Summer dinners in Ceader hall following the 5 PM Vigil Mass and the occasional special Dinners hosted during the winter. None of these would be half as enjoyable, delicious and organized if it weren’t for these women. Regardless of their age or backgrounhttps://websites.godaddy.com/ministriesd. all women of the St. Lawrence Parish are welcome to become a member of the Altar & Rosary Society.
One of the great expressions of the Love which Our Lord calls us to live is in the form of Hospitality! Have we not been grateful for any time we have been made to feel welcomed when entering any place that is not our home? Regardless of whether we are entering Grand Mom & Pop Pop’s home or a place that we’ve never visited before; to be welcomed is wonderful. Can we not remember how Abraham & Sarah welcomed the three strangers who approached their camp during the mid-day heat of the desert, and offered them the hospitality of their camp? They washed their feet; Sarah prepared a feast; Abraham respected these strangers without suspicion; he placed no conditions on their stay; together, Abraham & Sarah made them feel safe and welcomed! It is the spirit of this kind of hospitality, which characterizes the Ministry of Greeter at St. Lawrence. We seek people, as individuals, a couple or a family who are willing to arrive 15 minutes before Mass; stand at the inside or outside entrance of our church and greet every person who enters the building as they prepare to celebrate the Eucharist. A simple greeting: “Hello! ”, Good Morning! ”, Welcome to St. Lawrence!” means more to people than you might think. Offering them basic information to questions such as “Where are the bathrooms?’ or “Where is the Parish Office?” or “I’m looking for So-and-so” can begin their visit to St. Lawrence in such a positive way. It doesn’t matter whether they are people you greet every weekend or who are strangers visiting the area and have decided that St. Lawrence is the place they want to celebrate the Eucharist. We also ask Greeters to help out at the conclusion of Mass by handing out the weekly Bulletin to participants as they leave church at the conclusion of Mass. Once we develop a sense of when you will be available, we will place you on a schedule. That’s it! If you feel you would like to contribute to the Ministry of Hospitality as a Greeter, please contact Fr. Benn at the Parish Office [610] 749-2684 or e mail him through the Parish Office at saintlawrence@verizon.net
Formerly known as the St. Lawrence Men’s Society this group can best be described as men from the parish who were eager to contribute to the care of the parish’s infrastructure. Historically, most had background in industry, construction, engineering, geology and commercial businesses. Background in these fields was not a requirement but it became a great blessing to the parish and its pastors. Their skills and experience were gifts that most pastors could only wish for. As an example, all of St. Lawrence 2018 and 2019 Capital Projects were initiated through their guidance and supervision. In 2017, they expressed a desire to add a spiritual component to their organization. After researching various spiritual groups for men, they settled on the Holy Name Society. The group was officially admitted as the Riegelsville Chapter of the Holy Name Society of Philadelphia on January, 2019. In their spirit of generosity and following the Gospel, they are currently in the process of developing a strategy of “Good Works” to be practiced within and outside of the Parish. Regardless of a man’s background, education, interest, age or state in life, St. Lawrence’s Holy Name Society welcomes all men of the area who seek to celebrate living the Gospel as men. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month in Ceader Hall
President of the St. Lawrence Holy Name Society is Joe Affuso [610] 258-1621
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist!
There was a time when all of the parts of the Mass were reserved to Deacons and Priests. By the mid-to-late 60’s, it was becoming obvious to Church leaders that the ratio of ordained ministers to the numbers of the faithful was becoming more and more imbalanced; this set of circumstances were not just particular to the mission lands; they were evolving in the USA and Europe. Anticipating these future needs, the bishops recognized and approved ministries such as Lector and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Today, they are a common sight to all of the faithful and very much appreciated. St. Lawrence Parish has a handful of dedicated Ministers of the Eucharist, who have served us for a long time; however, we need more.
The requirements of an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist are the following:
· That they have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
· That they be practicing Catholics in Good standing. This means that they celebrate the Eucharist every Sabbath. That they strive to be involved in the life of their parish. That if married, their marriage has been blessed by the Church. Basically, it means that their life is sacramental; that they strive to become what they celebrate and that they abide by the Teachings of the Church.
There are so many people that we see and know would be a great lector…. a great Eucharistic Minister, but who decline because they feel “that I am not worthy.” None of us are. If you have an interest in serving Our Lord through this ministry, please contact Fr. Benn to explore this invitation. Many times, there are solutions or explanations to concerns that potential candidates have. As always, pray about this.
The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic men’s organization founded by
Fr. Michael McGivney, in New Haven, Connecticut. Today, it is a nation-wide organization dedicated to works of charity; particularly, in the form of raising financial support for local Catholic efforts to care for the needy; to evangelize in terms of supporting Catholic Schooling, Parish PREP programs and offering scholarships. The Knights of Columbus are also supportive of youth programs and of the Vocation to the Married Life & Family. They are serious promoters of Pro-Life. They also support young women & men who are attracted to the Religious Life. The local Knights of Columbus Council is the Father Stommel Council #4545, which is normally hosted by neighboring parish St. John the Baptist in Ottsville. Father Stommel Council’s membership is drawn from men of St. John the Baptist and St. Lawrence Parishes. Both parishes share responsibility for hosting their meetings. Finally, the men of the Knights of Columbus are characterized by a deep love of Country. If you are interested in learning more of about the K of C please contact the Counsel’s Grand Knight Bill Saxton [wjsax10@gmail.com] or St. Lawrence parishioner Jim Eckrich [jecrich@ymail.com].
0 Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son,with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties.
Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help
us become instruments of God ' s love and compassion.
Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life.* Amen.
*Cf. Evangelium vitae 105 © Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City. Adapted with permission. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2019, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.
Pro-Life Prayer
Father, I want to pray to you for the children who will be aborted today, especially, for those little girls and little boys who are being aborted at this moment. They have no one to turn to but you. Please intercede for them and protect them from the pain and anxiety of their abortion. Please help me to do all that I can in my personal life to protect them. Blessed Mother & St. Joseph, St. Giana & Pietro Mola, St. John Paul II, St. Rosaria and St Anthony of Padua; please intercede for them.
I pray also for all the mothers & fathers of children who are not wanted. Please help them during these hours when they are so scared and so embarrassed. Help them to have the courage and humility to turn to you; trusting that you will help them through all that seems impossible, all that seems unbearable; and that in their child, they will discover something they never thought they would experience….the joy of being Life Givers, and the joy of being loved by their child. Amen!
{For children who will be aborted today. For their mothers & fathers}
Saint Lawrence Roman Catholic Church
345 Elmwood Ln. Riegelsville, PA 18077 US
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